Friday, April 6, 2012

Safari Park!

I got to pet a ZEBRA!!!

So yesterday, Jon's cousin Ray, took us to a Safari Park! I was so very excited by this, as I have never been to a zoo in my life. (Note: we could have went to Edinburgh zoo, but we were slightly stupid.)

So, here's a bunch of photos!

All in all, I had a fantastic day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


So, we spent 3 nights in Edinburgh! (got in the 1st, left on the 4th), and in that short time, we saw sunshine, rain, hail, snow, sleet, sunshine, and back again. It was the most bi-polar weather I have ever seen. We loved it! We were laughing half the time. And each stint of weather didn't last very long! One minute it was like a blizzard outside, the next, it was sunny and there was no trace of snow on the ground. Just some damp stone. It was crazy!

Anyways, due to not feeling all that well, and the weather, I wasn't able to get many photos. So in this post, I will mainly be using Jon's!

So, on the 1st, we flew into Edinburgh from Birmingham. It was a nice short flight. It only took about 45 minutes I think. Then we hopped off the plane, breezed through the airport, then onto the bus that would take us to city center!

Luckily, due to road works, (now how often can I say that!) the bus ended up going right by our hotel just before it stopped! So once we got off the bus, we walked the short distance to our hotel.

On the way, we got to see the Scott Monument (aka Thunderbird 3)

Then we got to our hotel, and slept the night away!
The next day, we trucked up a very steep hill, and stumbled on Camera Obscura, where we then spent a few hours.

After we were done at Camera Obscura, we continued up to Edinburgh Castle and spent another few hours in there. By the time we were done, we were ready for a hot cup of tea! So we went and grabbed a small lunch of tea and a sandwich, and headed back to our hotel room.

Then we went for a lovely dinner at the Living Room, then got back to the hotel and went to bed.

Day two, we mostly did a bunch of walking around. We went for lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe (which happened to be right across the street from out hotel.), did some more walking around, then back to the hotel where I ended up taking a nap (I really wasn't feeling well that day. =( ). Then we went out and grabbed dinner. In which the weather went from clear skies, to absolutely hailing. You could scoop handfuls off the ground!

On the last day, we packed our bags, did a few bus tours, walked around a smidge more. Haggis is actually quite good. Especially if you don't think about what it is, or how it's made. Haha.

Then it was off to the airport again, for our flight back to Birmingham, where we were picked up by Jon's aunt and cousin, Liz and Ray.