Friday, April 6, 2012

Safari Park!

I got to pet a ZEBRA!!!

So yesterday, Jon's cousin Ray, took us to a Safari Park! I was so very excited by this, as I have never been to a zoo in my life. (Note: we could have went to Edinburgh zoo, but we were slightly stupid.)

So, here's a bunch of photos!

All in all, I had a fantastic day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


So, we spent 3 nights in Edinburgh! (got in the 1st, left on the 4th), and in that short time, we saw sunshine, rain, hail, snow, sleet, sunshine, and back again. It was the most bi-polar weather I have ever seen. We loved it! We were laughing half the time. And each stint of weather didn't last very long! One minute it was like a blizzard outside, the next, it was sunny and there was no trace of snow on the ground. Just some damp stone. It was crazy!

Anyways, due to not feeling all that well, and the weather, I wasn't able to get many photos. So in this post, I will mainly be using Jon's!

So, on the 1st, we flew into Edinburgh from Birmingham. It was a nice short flight. It only took about 45 minutes I think. Then we hopped off the plane, breezed through the airport, then onto the bus that would take us to city center!

Luckily, due to road works, (now how often can I say that!) the bus ended up going right by our hotel just before it stopped! So once we got off the bus, we walked the short distance to our hotel.

On the way, we got to see the Scott Monument (aka Thunderbird 3)

Then we got to our hotel, and slept the night away!
The next day, we trucked up a very steep hill, and stumbled on Camera Obscura, where we then spent a few hours.

After we were done at Camera Obscura, we continued up to Edinburgh Castle and spent another few hours in there. By the time we were done, we were ready for a hot cup of tea! So we went and grabbed a small lunch of tea and a sandwich, and headed back to our hotel room.

Then we went for a lovely dinner at the Living Room, then got back to the hotel and went to bed.

Day two, we mostly did a bunch of walking around. We went for lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe (which happened to be right across the street from out hotel.), did some more walking around, then back to the hotel where I ended up taking a nap (I really wasn't feeling well that day. =( ). Then we went out and grabbed dinner. In which the weather went from clear skies, to absolutely hailing. You could scoop handfuls off the ground!

On the last day, we packed our bags, did a few bus tours, walked around a smidge more. Haggis is actually quite good. Especially if you don't think about what it is, or how it's made. Haha.

Then it was off to the airport again, for our flight back to Birmingham, where we were picked up by Jon's aunt and cousin, Liz and Ray.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Right then! Cardiff.

We were really disappointed to see that in Cardiff, there wasn't very much Doctor Who related stuff at all!
The closest we got, was a Ianto Jones (Torchwood) memorial wall. Which in itself was pretty awesome.

Seen here.

There wasn't much (or really any at all) Doctor Who, or Torchwood stuff in any shops. But all in all, getting to see the Millennium Center, Roald Dahl Plass, (no clue he was from Cardiff!), and our hotel was right on the water front, it wasn't too bad of a trip!

The hotel

Jon with the Millennium Center, and Roald Dahl Plass. 
Oh, and we did a bit of shopping. That's about all to our day in Cardiff!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Model Village

I forgot to mention that a few days ago Jon, Liz and I went to a model village at Bourton-on-the-Water. (The same one we tried to go to near the beginning of the trip, but we got distracted by the Cotswold stone.)

The village was really well done, and amusingly enough, in the model village, there was a model village of the model village. And in that model village of the model village, of Bouton-on-the-Water, there was another model village! Huzzah!

Seriously. I was super excited about that.
Anyways, here's just a bunch of pictures of the day!

Jon and the resident kitty

Jon the giant

Monster kitty is here to attack you! -chews grass-

Mini playground

Mini sweet shop

Model water wheel

Beautiful model river

Model village cubed.

Models, models everywhere!


I, have a tan.

Well, a bit of one. We spent most of yesterday on the BEACH at Swansea! It was gorgeous. We even got to play in the water. (it was a little chilly, but I got used to it fast, Jon didn't! haha).

Charlotte, Jon and I, playing in the ocean!
We started the Swansea trip, by going to Joe's for ice cream. My goodness it was DELICIOUS! Then came the walk down the beach, lunch, then more beach walking!

Jon was really fun to watch walk on all the rocks. He's been wearing Converse instead of his combat boots for most of this trip, and he's not used to feeling the ground under his feet!

Then we continued off to Cardiff!

Our hotel, was wonderful. The view was spectacular. And it had free wi-fi.

After we got into our hotel, we watched a bit of telly, then decided to go out for a walk. The smell of sea water was everywhere, and we were loving it. We walked around for a while, took a ton of photos, then decided it was time for dinner.

Soon after we finished eating, we decided to go and walk around some more, and see the Millennium Center at dusk. It was even better in person!

Then it was back to the hotel for some more telly, and some sleep.

Now today we are off to do some shopping, and explore some more of Cardiff!

The sparkly ocean at Swansea!

Monday, March 26, 2012

British Camp

The last few days have been pretty low-key. Thursday, we went back to Great Malvern, and boy, were we glad to be back!

Then onto Friday, we spent the day not doing too much, then went for dinner with  Charlotte, Will, and a few of their friends. A great meal was had by all at The Blue Boar (not the Blue Ball).

Saturday, we went for a jaunt up to British Camp, which was a really steep walk! Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling all too well, so it was a bit harder than it should have been! I'm either coming down with a cold, or have allergies, as it is spring in full swing over here! (Feels like summer though with the weather we've been having!)

Then yesterday, we just hung around Jon's aunt and uncle's place, watched a bit of the Grand Prix, then just hung out and chatted.

After we were done there, we came back to homebase, and made a dinner of sausages and perogies (which, are really hard to find over here, plus aren't the same as back home! We might just have to make some of our own!)

And on to today, it was ASDA's grand opening in Worcester! ASDA is pretty much Walmart. The store was absolutely packed when we popped in around noon, when Charlotte was heading in to work.

After we wandered around for the day, and did some shopping, we headed back to ASDA, and picked up a few things, and headed home with Charlotte!

So, that's about it for the past little while!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

London, Day 3; Shopping in Camden Market

So Day 3 was pretty much just shopping! We spent an entire day in Camden market. I got a few awesome things, as did Jon! As well as we found a few gifts for people. Yey!

There's nothing else really to report, sadly!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

London, Day 2; Wax Figures, and Towers

Day 2 started bright and early, (7:00AM) with the free breakfast buffet type thing offered by the hotel. It was definitely a nice start to the day!

We finished a bit quicker than we normally would, as we were trying to beat the rather large groups of teenage school kids out of the hotel. There were so many groups of them! We are pretty sure that they are all from various neighbouring countries.

Anyways, on with the day!

We hopped on another Big Bus Tour (that's the open top tour bus), and made our way to Madame Tussauds!

That's the type of bus we were on there!
 As we got off the bus, a HUGE group of high school kids got in the group entry line at Madame Tussauds. We were so glad that we had to use the regular entrance! So we made our way in, and right away we start seeing the wax figures! Jim Carrey pointed our way up a bunch of stairs to the ticket desk.

It was a really neat experience! As expected, there were massive crowds around Justin Bieber, Taylor Lautner, and Robert Pattinson. Sadly, Patrick Stewart was standing all by himself. =(

As we continued the morning part of the day in Madame Tussauds, we noticed that hardly anyone was in the historical people, sports, or culture.

We made our way through, and decided it was time for lunch!

After a sandwich and some soup at Pret a Manger, we headed back onto the Big Bus, and headed on to the Tower of London!

We walked around and explored and took many pictures! It was very crowed, but a very historically rich experience. Then we wandered over to Tower Bridge, and continued learning!

We finished the headed off for dinner, then went home and collapsed!

What a day!

Monday, March 19, 2012

London, Day 1; Trains, Boats, and a giant Eye

So today was the day we got into London! We got up at the crack of dawn (well, 6:00AM) and hopped the train to London. We got into Paddington Station sometime after 10 (not really sure the exact time) and proceeded to get lost and turned around on the way to our hotel! We finally stopped, and Jon called and asked the hotel for directions. Turns out, we went just slightly the wrong way.

After making it to the hotel, and stashing our luggage in the lobby (check-in wasn't until 1PM), we decided to take a walk around the area and towards Hyde Park. After a short jaunt into Kensington Gardens, we decided it was time for lunch.

And what did we have for lunch you ask?

We had Burger King. Haha!

After we were done lunch, we headed back to the hotel and checked in, found our room, and stashed all our luggage. Then it was off to the Big Bus Tours!

We rode that around a bit, then finally got off and rode the Thames Clipper. It was some amazing views from the river!

After we did a full circuit of that, we went and had dinner at Slug and Lettuce. It was really yummy!

Shortly after finishing, we went and had a night view of London, via the Eye of London!
(it was kinda romantic, shhhhh)

Then it was off to the hotel, where we promptly curled up in bed and fell asleep!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cotswold Stone and Shopping

So on Friday, we attempted to go and see a model village, but ended up just walking around and doing some shopping. The model village was located in Bourton-on-the-Water, which, it was the model is of, coincidentally.

Most of the village is made of this stone, called cotswold stone. On the drive, we passed these giant quarries of this stone. It's a really neat yellowish kind of stone. Pretty!
Cotswold quarry

Didn't really do much after that.

Then yesterday, we spent the day wandering around Worcester, did some shopping. I got a really nice top. As well as we picked up a few more gifts.

As for today, it is Mother's day here, as well as Charlotte's and Will's 1'st wedding anniversary.

We are spending it over in Worcester, at Jon's aunt's place.

And tomorrow, we are off to London!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Malvern Hills

I would have posted yesterday on this, but I was too exhausted after our day out, so I just waited until morning.

Our day started off pretty low key. Bacon sandwich for breakfast, tea, and talking about what we are going to do in London with Charlotte and Ray. (Jon's cousins)

Then we decided that we were going to go for a walk with Ray and Charlotte's dog, Bailey, up to the Hills.

We started about halfway up, and walked all the way up to the Beacon. Now, to give you an idea of how big this is, it looks like a small mountain from the distance. It is also very steep.

After we went up to the Beacon, and back down again. (my legs were kinda dying by that point), we went to a nearby pub, called the Wyche Brew, where I got to try a really nice cider, called Thatchers.

Ray, Jon and I then played some pool. I played horribly! I lost against Jon, then again to Ray! But, it was a lot of fun.

After we were done there, we came back to Charlotte's, and sat down for a few, and just talked about random things. Soon, it was time to go get food.

I really wish I would have remembered to take a picture of dinner last night, just so people could see how absolutely MASSIVE the portions are. When Jon and my portions were wrapped up, it was the size and weight of a baby. I do not kid! We both had fish and chips. Jon had plaice, and I had cod. It was delicious! I was only able to eat about a quarter, or a third of all the food in front of me. So we know for next time, just to get one to share between us.

Oh! we also stopped at a One Stop, and grabbed some crisps (vintage cheddar &onion chutney, and a Walkers Mixed Mystery Flavour pack),  Jaffa cakes, and  hobnobs.

So far, I have only tried the Jaffa Cakes, and my goodness they are delicious!
Also, you can by booze at a One Stop! They had various beers, ciders, wines, and spirits!

So, this is where I end it, as after all that, I passed out up in bed at around 9:15PM.

Oh, and here's a picture of Jon and I up on top at the Beacon. In case I forgot to mention, it was quite foggy out all day. =p

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

London, Great Malvern, and Worcester.

So yesterday we landed in London, and it was pretty great, even though we didn't really get to see more than the airport, besides when we left on the bus. Didn't get any pictures this time around, but that's ok, because we are planning on making a trip (or two!) back to London.  We are hoping to go see Madame Tussauds, London Eye, and visit Camden Market, to name a few things!

Anyways, on the bus ride from London to Cheltenham, Jon and I managed to cat nap a little bit, for the first time since the morning we left. I think it really helped us to be able to stay up to a whopping 9:30pm. Jon's cousin gave us a bit of a car tour of the local area, which is pretty neat. I'm hoping for a clear day sometime soon, so that we can get a proper view of the hills. Which actually kinda look like a mountain. Just saying.

After a pretty good nights sleep, we ended getting up fairly early (like 6:30am early) and just lounged around a bit until others in the house were up. Watched some British "How It's Made" (which is exactly like the Canadian one, but with a British voice actor instead.), and a bit of other random television.

A little while later, Jon's aunt picked us up, and took us to see the Worcester Cathedral.

Which is this lovely place!

On the walk up to the Cathedral, there were many, MANY swans and ducks. Which was really interesting to see.
Jon taking a picture of the many swans as well.

So, then we wandered around the Cathedral for a few hours, took some really neat photos (which I will post later on), then took off to wander Worcester.

In the city center, there are so many shops everywhere! Down alleys, or food wagons, just pretty much everywhere. We ended up going for lunch at a place called Double Sushi, with Jon's cousin, Ray. (who we also wandered around the Cathedral and shops with).

All in all, it was a pretty awesome full day.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Toronto Airport!

So right now, Jon and I are just hanging out in Toronto Airport, waiting to board our next flight! The plane here was a lot fuller than I originally anticipated, but it wasn't bad.

Lucky for us, we got off the plane at one end of the airport, and then had to walk all the way to THE OTHER SIDE!

I guess that's what we get for joking about that.
I'm kinda happy that on the flight to London, we'll be in a two-seater, instead of a three-seater. Not much going on at this point really. Just starting to get tired.

Time to go now, they are calling our seats!

