Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cotswold Stone and Shopping

So on Friday, we attempted to go and see a model village, but ended up just walking around and doing some shopping. The model village was located in Bourton-on-the-Water, which, it was the model is of, coincidentally.

Most of the village is made of this stone, called cotswold stone. On the drive, we passed these giant quarries of this stone. It's a really neat yellowish kind of stone. Pretty!
Cotswold quarry

Didn't really do much after that.

Then yesterday, we spent the day wandering around Worcester, did some shopping. I got a really nice top. As well as we picked up a few more gifts.

As for today, it is Mother's day here, as well as Charlotte's and Will's 1'st wedding anniversary.

We are spending it over in Worcester, at Jon's aunt's place.

And tomorrow, we are off to London!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a fantastic time!!! Great pictures so far. Love reading your updates. Kirk said to tell you to enjoy it, make the most of your time, we are so proud of you for following your dreams and are glad you have someone as wonderful as Jon to enjoy this with.

    Love you both alot. Huge hugs,

    Love Mom, Kirk and Bina
